Can you rely on the parent route of Appendix FM if you are in a genuine and subsisting relationship with your partner?
the Rules have created a clear division between the two routes. The Home Office’s position on this is clear. Page 18 of the Home Office Guidance “Family Migration: Appendix FM Section 1.0b Family Life (as a...Some UK asylum seekers waiting over 20 years for Home Office decisions on their application for asylum
over 20 years for a final decision. In 2017 alone, 17 people were advised on the final outcome of claims submitted over 15 years back, with four of these people waiting 20 years for the final decision. One asylum...BSB publishes Vulnerability Good Practice Guide (Immigration Clients) for Immigration Barristers
aims to help barristers to identify, assess and manage client vulnerabilities in line with good practice. This guide was a response to the recommendations made by the BSB’s Immigration Thematic Review...A Harsher Approach? Four changes in the revised Guidance on Family and Private Life applications
route to settlement. Although the corresponding Rules have not changed, the guidance has nonetheless raised some concerns that harsher decisions could now be made, especially given the case law in recent...Expert advice & representation from immigration barristers that you can rely on.