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There may be more opportunities for overseas professionals to come and work in the UK, depending on the Migration Advisory Committee’s work in reviewing the Shortage Occupation List. The potential changes...
The High Court and Court of Appeal have been very vocal over the past week in their criticism of legal representatives’ preparation of immigration cases. As I set out in detail in an earlier post, in Parveen...
Growing businesses are engaging migrant labour for their experience and commitment, but are also more likely to offer job entry opportunities in their local communities, according to a new report by the CIPD. Drawing...
Richmond Chambers is pleased to announce that it has won the 'Best Immigration Set of the Year - UK' award at the 2014 Acquisition International Global Mobility & Immigration Awards.
The National Audit Office (NAO) has recently published its report ‘Reforming the UK border and immigration system’, in which it says that the two new Home Office directorates that replaced the former UKBA...
Since 9 July 2012 the Secretary of State has primarily considered Article 8 claims within the context of the Immigration Rules. Appendix FM to those Rules sets out the circumstances in which entry clearance...
HM Courts and Tribunals Service have recently published their findings from a Fundamental Review of the First-Tier Immigration and Asylum Chamber. This has been conducted differently to previous reviews, having...
The latest Government figures reveal that there was a fall in the numbers of non-EU citizens immigrating to the UK in the year to September 2013 – down to 244,000 from 269,000 in the preceding...
Migrants should be required to pay a £2,000 ‘National Insurance Advance’ upon first entering the UK, a new think tank report has proposed.Contact Us
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) recently gave its opinion in an interesting case that considered what constitutes dependency for a direct descendent of an EU citizen over the age of 21, in order to obtain...
A recent report from the Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights has raised concerns over certain provisions contained within the Government’s Immigration Bill. The provisions in question relate to restrictions...
An interesting new poll commissioned by think tank IPPR suggests that not being able to stay and work after completing studies in the UK is becoming a real issue for overseas students. The poll by Ipsos MORI questioned...
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