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Dependants of Health and Care Workers: FAQ’s

The Health and Care Worker category was introduced on 4 August 2020 for individuals who are medical professionals and who will work in the health and care sector in the UK. To understand the requirements for a Health and Care Worker Visa, you can refer to our recent blog. Dependants of the Health and Care Worker can apply to join or stay with their family member in the UK. 

What are the requirements for a Health and Care Worker Visa dependent partner?

To be eligible as a partner of a Health and Care Worker Visa holder, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that:

  • You are 18 years old or over;
  • Your partner must hold a Health and Care Worker visa or is applying for entry clearance as a Health and Care Worker at the same time or has settled or has become a British citizen providing that your partner’s last grant of leave was as a Health and Care Worker before obtaining settled status and you had permission as the dependent partner at that time;
  • Your relationship is genuine and subsisting;
  • You intend to live with your partner in the UK throughout your stay in the UK;
  • If you are not married or in a civil partnership: 
    • you and your partner have been living together in a relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership for at least two years;
    • any previous relationship has permanently broken down;
    • both of you are not so closely related that you would not be allowed to marry or form a civil partnership in the UK;

Can I bring my children?

In order for your child to qualify as a child of a Health and Care Worker Visa holder you will need to show that:

  • Your child is under 18 years of age at the date of application;
  • Your child is not leading an independent life if 16 years old or above;
  • Accommodation and care in the UK will be suitable;
  • Your child will be financially supported by you and your partner;
  • If your child is born in the UK, your child has a birth certificate showing both parents’ names;
  • Your partner holds a Health and Care Worker visa, is applying at the same time, has settled or is a British citizen. If your partner is settled or a British citizen, your partner must have had leave as a Health and Care Worker when settled and you child must have had permission as the dependent child at that time;
  • You and your partner must each be applying at the same time as your child or have permission to be in the UK (other than as a visitor). The only exception is that your partner is the sole surviving parent or has sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing or there are serious and compelling circumstances.

How do I apply for a Health and Care Worker Visa dependent visa?

Applications for Health and Care Worker Visa dependent visas are made using an online application form. Each dependant may need to complete a separate form depending on whether you are applying from inside the UK or abroad.  

After an application has been submitted, you will have to attend at a visa application centre to enrol your biometrics. Depending on the availability of the appointments, you may be asked to pay for an appointment. If applying from outside the UK, there may be an option for an individual to upload the documents prior to the appointment. Do check the procedure for the country in which you intend to apply for accuracy. 

What are the application fees for a Health and Care Worker Visa dependent visa?

The visa fee reduction applies to the Health and Care Visa applicants and their dependants. If the certificate of sponsorship has been issued for less than 3 years, the visa fee for each dependant is £232 and £464 for certificate of sponsorship issued for more than 3 year.

How much money do I need? 

To meet the financial requirement, you will need to have at least £285 for yourself, £315 for the first dependent child then £200 for each additional dependent child if the Health and Care Worker has been staying in the UK for less than 12 months. Your partner’s employer can also cover the costs to the amount required for your and your children. However, if your partner has been staying in the UK for more than 12 months, the financial requirement has been met and there is no need to show funds. 

What other factors should I consider when applying for a Health and Care Worker Visa dependent visa?

If you are applying for leave to remain as a dependent partner, your last permission to stay in the UK must not have been as a visitor, short-term student, parent of a child student, seasonal worker, domestic worker in a private household or outside the Immigration Rules.

If you are applying for entry clearance, you and your children may be required to provide a valid TB certificate. 

If the Health and Care Visa applicant is required to provide a criminal record certificate when applying for a Health and Care visa, you will also need to do the same. A criminal record certificate is required in any country where you have lived for more than 12 months or more (whether continuous or in total) in the 10 years before the date of application while you are aged 18 or over.

How long can I stay in the UK as a Health and Care Worker Visa dependent?

If your application for a Health and Care Worker Visa dependent visa is approved, your visa will expire on the same date as your partner or 3 years if your partner is being granted settlement. 

For a dependent child, the visa will end on the same date as the parent whose visa expires first unless both parents are settled or British citizens, in which case the child will be granted permission to stay for 3 years. 

Will I be able to work on a Health and Care Worker dependent visa?

You will be allowed to work but not as a sportsperson, including as a sports coach. 

Contact our Immigration Barristers

For expert advice and assistance regarding an application as a dependant of a Health and Care Worker Visa applicant, contact our immigration barristers on 0203 6179173 or complete our enquiry form below. 


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