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Knowing what duties and responsibilities come with having a sponsor licence are essential. If a sponsor fails to understand and comply with these duties, they are putting their licence, and the visa / permission...
All landlords in England are required by law to conduct a ‘right to rent’ check before leasing their property to a prospective adult tenant. The purpose of this requirement, introduced by the Immigration Act...
As has been set out in a previous post, new provisions came into force on 6 April 2022, which will begin the phasing out of the use of Biometric Residence Cards and Permits (BRC/BRPs) and Frontier Worker Permit...
The Home Office has announced that as of 06 April 2022, the only way that employers will be permitted to carry out Right to Work checks for certain employees, will be electronically. How Can Employers Carry Out...
In March 2020, as a result of COVID-19, sponsor licence compliance visits were suspended by the Home Office. However, these audits will now be re-commencing as lockdown restrictions ease across the United Kingdom. Officers...
The Home Office needs to ensure that those applying to come to the UK for work are eligible and that a reputable employer has a genuine wish to sponsor them. Ask yourself the three questions below in order to...
The Home Office may undertake a sponsor compliance visit in order to assess an organisation once it has submitted a sponsor licence application. They may also visit once a sponsor licence has been granted in order...
The ‘Genuine Entrepreneur’ test was introduced in 2013, and is a discretionary element of the otherwise fairly objective Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) application. The Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) modernised...
In Secretary of State for the Home Department v Akbar [2017] EWCA Civ 16 (19 January 2017) the Court of Appeal has ruled that it has jurisdiction to hear appeals from the County Court concerning civil penalties...
The Home Office has published its list of civil penalties for the first quarter of 2016, with the fines imposed totalling more than £14 million. Elsewhere in the media, the relationship between certain employers...
The Immigration Act 2014 made it compulsory for private landlords to check the immigration status of all new adult tenants, sub-tenants and lodgers in order to assess whether they have a ‘Right to Rent’ in...
Employers in different sectors of the UK economy could be affected in very different ways if measures are introduced to restrict the jobs that EU migrant workers can occupy following a vote for the UK to...
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