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Private Life Exception to Deportation: Domestic Framework Insights

In This Article

1. Introduction: The Private Life Exception to Deportation
2. Eligibility and Criteria 
3. Lawful Residence Under the Private Life Exception: Meeting the First Requirement
4. Key Factors in Assessing Social and Cultural Integration
5. The Impact of Criminal History on Integration for the Private Life Exception
6. Assessing Very Significant Obstacles to Integration
7. Factors Considered in Assessing Integration for the Private Life Exception
8. Contact Our Immigration Barristers
9. Frequently Asked Questions
10. Glossary

1. Introduction: The Private Life Exception to Deportation

The structured approach to appeals against deportation orders was set out in our previous article, Domestic Deportation Framework: Key Provisions and Considerations. Individuals issued with a deportation order have three possible ways to avoid deportation: the private life exception, the family life exception, or through reliance on exceptional circumstances. Section 117C of the Nationality, Immigration Act 2002 determines that if an appellant can show they can meet any of these exceptions their appeal will be successful and they will avoid deportation. This article is concerned with the first of those exceptions, namely the private life exception.

2. Eligibility and Criteria 

The private life exception is set out in Section 177C(4). Note that it is only open to “medium offenders”, i.e. those convicted of crimes and who have been sentenced to a period of imprisonment of less than four years. In order to meet it, an appellant will need to demonstrate they meet all of the following conditions:

  1. They have been lawfully resident in the UK for most of their life;
  2. They are socially and culturally integrated in the UK;
  3. There would be very significant obstacles to their integration into the country in which they are to be deported.

This is a self-contained exercise, which does not require a full proportionality assessment weighing positive and negative factors against each other: KO (Nigeria) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] UKSC 53 [§22]. As such, the seriousness of an offence is not relevant to the consideration of whether an appellant meets the private life exception. 

That is to say section 117C(2), which states that the more serious the offence committed by a foreign criminal, the greater is the public interest in deportation of the criminal, does not bite because the public interest question is determined exclusively through the three-stage structure set out section 117(C)(4). The nature of this public interest question is addressed in this article (Link). As such, if an appellant can prove they meet all three of these elements, their appeal against the deportation order will succeed.

3. Lawful Residence Under the Private Life Exception: Meeting the First Requirement

The first requirement is straightforward enough. It creates a clear bright line of eligibility. The individual concerned must have spent half their life lawfully resident in the UK. Any time spent in the UK unlawfully, i.e. in breach of immigration laws, does not count towards the total. This normally requires leave under the Immigration Rules but there are exceptions. For example, individuals who were born in the UK and were eligible for citizenship cannot be said to be in the UK unlawfully: Akinyemi v The Secretary Of State For The Home Department [2017] EWCA Civ 236. The end point of an appellant’s lawful residence is the date of the hearing.

The burden of proof in respect of each of the elements is on the appellant, this means they must produce positive evidence of their lawful residence. This may be done through production of biometric residence permits, Home Office letters granting status and vignettes (Visa stickers) in passports. Such evidence may be difficult to find for many reasons, especially when the individual concerned is in prison. An alternative is therefore the submission of a Subject Access Request to the Home Office, which will return personal information, including immigration records.

It is a simple quantitative assessment, if the individual concerned has been lawfully resident in the UK for half this time then we proceed to condition 2. If they do not meet this threshold they cannot avail themselves of the private life exception no matter how near the miss. For example, an individual who came to the UK aged 11 is convicted of a crime when they are 21 will not meet the exception.

However, factors considered in the private life exception are relevant to the consideration of very compelling circumstances. As such, tribunals will often consider how the remaining 2 conditions of the private life apply to the appellant even if they fall at the first hurdle of the tripartite test.

4. Key Factors in Assessing Social and Cultural Integration

By contrast, this is a qualitative assessment, which requires an assessment of the particular circumstances of the individual. At paragraph 78 of CI (Nigeria) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWCA Civ 2027 Legatt LJ described the purpose of the statutory language in the following terms “[it is] used to denote the totality of human relationships and aspects of social identity which are protected by the right to respect for private life”. 

As such, relevant considerations are very wide. However there are some particularly significant factors.

In general, the longer an appellant has spent in the UK, the more likely they are to be culturally and socially integrated. In the same judgment, Legatt LJ noted ECHR jurisprudence which recognises the “special situation of aliens who have spent most, if not all, of their childhood in the host country, were brought up there and received their education there.” (Üner v The Netherlands (2006) 45 EHRR 14).

The ability to speak English is an important, though not determinative factor. Similarly, an appellant’s employment history will be significant. An individual with no significant history of employment is less likely to be deemed culturally and socially integrated into British society. Voluntary work, participation in community activities such as sports teams, a large social network and being educated in the UK will all weigh in favour of integration here.

5. The Impact of Criminal History on Integration for the Private Life Exception

There has been much judicial discussion of the significance of an appellant’s criminal history and its relationship to integration. Criminal offending and consequent imprisonment is capable of “breaking” an individual’s integration but it will not do so automatically CI (Nigeria).

The courts have also recognised that the nature of an offence may be indicative of a lack of integration where it discloses attitudes contrary to recognised British values. For example in AM (Somalia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2019] EWCA Civ 774, the fact that AM had been convicted of racially aggravated offences and assault on a police officer indicated an “alienation from important values of our society”, which was relevant to the overall assessment of integration.

Similarly, a long history of offending behaviour such as drug-dealing or gang involvement may be indicative of a lack of integration, particularly where the offending behaviour began shortly after an individual’s arrival in the UK but the commission of the offence which has triggered the deportation proceedings is unlikely to be sufficient to break integrative ties on its own. 

How an individual’s family and friends respond to their imprisonment can be very important. The Home Office regularly argue that time spent in prison has broken an individual’s integrative ties. For this reason, evidence of prison visits, phone calls and transfers of cash will be valuable evidence to contradict such a submission. These records may also be obtained by way of a Subject Access Request, in this instance to the Ministry of Justice. 

6. Assessing Very Significant Obstacles to Integration 

This element is the one appellant’s relying on the private life exception are most likely to fall down on. Integration does not have the same meaning as above, as we are here concerned with an individual’s ability to become integrated, rather than the distinct question of whether they are already integrated CI (Nigeria) §71. It was defined as follows by Sales LJ, in Secretary of State for the Home Department v Kamara [2016] EWCA Civ 813 at §14:

The idea of “integration” calls for a broad evaluative judgment to be made as to whether the individual will be enough of an insider in terms of understanding how life in the society in that other country is carried on and a capacity to participate in it, so as to have a reasonable opportunity to be accepted there, to be able to operate on a day-to-day basis in that society and to build up within a reasonable time a variety of human relationships to give substance to the individual’s private or family life.

The  evaluative judgment will consider all relevant factors, some of which have been described as generic, such as individual’s health, intelligence and job prospects AS v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2017] EWCA Civ 1284 [§59]. The impact of deportation on an appellant’s mental health will also be a relevant factor, to the extent that it would hinder their ability to integrate. The onus is on the appellant to evidence any mental health issues, which may be done through GP records, prescriptions or an expert psychiatric report.

As a starting point, judges are not entitled to assume an appellant’s knowledge of the culture of the proposed country of deportation CI (Nigeria) without some reasonable basis. Such an assumption will be reasonable where an appellant has grown up in the proposed country and come to the UK as an adult. 

The tribunal should take a staged approach, by identifying the obstacles to integration relied on and then assessing whether they are to be regarded as very significant. “Very significant” connotes an elevated threshold, which will not be met by “mere inconvenience or upheaval”: Parveen v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2018] EWCA Civ 932 [§9].  

7. Factors Considered in Assessing Integration for the Private Life Exception

This entails a delicate and holistic assessment, which takes into account all of the obstacles raised and considers them cumulatively: Sanambar v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] UKSC 30 [§ 49]. Relevant considerations will include the appellant’s ability to speak the relevant language(s) in the proposed country, if they have ever visited,  and the extent of their familial or social ties there. However, each of these factors will not themselves be sufficient to meet the threshold. The fact that it is open to deport an individual to a country they have never been to, where they do not speak the language and have no family or friends there demonstrates the high bar appellants have to show they meet in order to succeed.

Additionally, factual matters that assisted an appellant in showing that they were culturally and socially integrated to the UK may be held against them at this stage. A long history of employment in the UK may be considered evidence that the appellant has the skills and experience to find employment in the proposed country of deportation. Similarly, judges have regarded being educated in the UK as providing skills to facilitate integration. 

The tribunal will not only consider the individual’s circumstances but also the conditions in the proposed country of destination but only to the extent that they are relevant to the particular case. For example, how homosexuality is regarded and whether it is illegal, will evidently be relevant to a homosexual appellant’s case but not a heterosexual one’s. Again, any claims regarding the conditions of relevant countries will have to be backed by objective evidence to carry significant weight. 

8. Contact Our Immigration Barristers

Successfully challenging a deportation order is difficult and requires careful evidence gathering and precise legal arguments tailored to the particular facts of the case. 

For expert advice throughout the appeal process, contact our immigration barristers on 0203 617 9173 or complete our enquiry form below.

9. Frequently Asked Questions

What is the private life exception to deportation?

The private life exception, as outlined in Section 117C of the Nationality, Immigration Act 2002, allows medium offenders to avoid deportation if they can demonstrate they meet specific criteria. These include having lawful residence in the UK for most of their life, being socially and culturally integrated, and facing very significant obstacles to integration in the proposed country of deportation.

What are the criteria for the private life exception?

To meet the private life exception, an individual must show all of the following:

  • They have been lawfully resident in the UK for most of their life;
  • They are socially and culturally integrated into UK society;
  • They would face very significant obstacles to integrating into the country they are being deported to.

How is lawful residence under the private life exception determined?

Lawful residence typically requires leave under the Immigration Rules. There are certain exceptions, however, including successful asylum claimants and some individuals who were born in the UK. Appellants must prove their lawful residence. Evidence can include biometric residence permits, Home Office decision letters, or extracts from a Subject Access Request to the Home Office for immigration records.

How is integration in the UK assessed under the private life exception?

Integration is evaluated qualitatively, considering various factors such as their ability to speak English, their employment history, participation in community activities, social network and educational background in the UK.

Does criminal history affect eligibility for the private life exception?

Yes, only offenders who have been sentenced to a custodial term of less than four years (i.e. medium offenders) can avail themself of the private life exception. Offending behaviour may also be relevant to the assessment of their cultural and social integration. While criminal offending and imprisonment does not automatically break integration ties, the nature or pattern of offending may be relevant to the assessment of integration.

What does “very significant obstacles to integration” mean?

This refers to the challenges an individual would face when trying to build a private life in the proposed country of deportation. Factors such as lack of language skills, absence of social or family connections, a lack of employment prospects and unfamiliarity with the country’s culture will be relevant, as will the conditions of the country itself. The threshold is high.

What evidence is needed to support a claim for the private life exception?

Evidence going towards each stage of the exception is required. This may include records of lawful residence, mental health assessments, criminal records, and documentation of social and cultural ties in the UK. In addition, an expert psychiatric report may be useful to show how deportation could hinder an individual’s ability to integrate.

10. Glossary

Private Life Exception: A legal provision in the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 that allows a medium offender to appeal against a deportation order by demonstrating they meet certain tests relating to lawful residence, social and cultural integration, and very significant obstacles to integration in the proposed country of deportation.

Section 117C: A section of the Nationality, Immigration Act 2002 that sets out the framework for determining whether deportation is permissible based on an individual’s private life, family life, or other exceptional circumstances.

Lawful Residence: Typically means living in the UK with permission under immigration laws. Time spent unlawfully in the UK does not count towards the requirement of lawful residence for the private life exception.

Social and Cultural Integration: A qualitative assessment of all the circumstances relating to an individual’s relationships and social identity.

Very Significant Obstacles to Integration: A high threshold test used to determine whether an individual would face substantial challenges in integrating into the country they are being deported to, which would mean they would be unable to establish a private life within a reasonable time. 

Biometric Residence Permit (BRP): An identification that used to be provided to certain people with leave under the Immigration Rules. It contains information including their name, the expiry of their leave and their photograph and can be used to prove lawful residence.

Subject Access Request (SAR): A request made to an organisation, such as the Home Office, for information about an individual held in their records. SARs may be used to obtain details of an individual’s immigration status and history.

ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights): An international convention to which the UK is a signatory. It was established in the aftermath of the Second World War and was the first instrument to give effect to certain of the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and make them binding on member states. It may also refer to the European Court of Human Rights. Under section 2 of the Human Rights Act 1998, UK courts must have regard to jurisprudence from the European Court of Human Rights when deciding matters which involve Convention rights.

Medium Offender: In a deportation context, an individual who has been sentenced to a custodial term of at least 12 months and less than 4 years, who is considered to have caused serious harm or who is deemed to be a persistent offender. 

Serious Offender: In a deportation context, an individual who has been sentenced to a custodial term of 4 years or more.


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