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The Home Affairs Committee has published its latest report on the work of the UK Border Agency, covering the second quarter of the year April– June 2012. The report highlights concerns over the growth in...
In its recent judgment in the case of Virabyan v. Armenia (Application no. 40094/05), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found Armenia to have breached articles 3, 6 and 14 of the European Convention on...
Hundreds of asylum seekers in Scotland, including children and pregnant women, are being left completely destitute with no support and nowhere to live, and yet they have no way of returning home safely, according...
The High Court today ordered the UKBA not to remove one of our clients to Uganda pending consideration of her application for leave to remain in the United Kingdom on human rights grounds.
Limited grounds for detention, better detention conditions, swifter access to the labour market and an early assessment of possible medical or psychological needs are among the improvements to the current EU rules...
The Joint Committee on Human Rights has launched an inquiry into the human rights of unaccompanied migrant children and young people in the UK, with a particular focus on those who are seeking asylum or have been...
The European Commission has published its report on the development of the European Migration Network (EMN), a Commission-led network with national contact points in each Member States, as well as Norway. The...
A recent report, ‘The Fact of Age’, issued by Maggie Atkinson, Children’s Commissioner for England has revealed problems still occur in age assessments of children seeking asylum. Decision-making...
On 9th July 2012, changes to the Immigration Rules came into force. Some of these new Rules will make it easier for people who want to stay in the UK due to their private or family life here.
In 2011, the 27 EU Member States received more than 300,000 asylum applications, a 16.2% increase from 2010.
The European Commission has published a Report on the 2011 developments in the areas of immigration and asylum, accompanied by a Eurobarometer on European citizens’ attitudes towards cross-border mobility, migration...
The Court of Justice of the European Union has given an Opinion on what constitutes an 'act of persecution' for the purposes of recognition of refugee status for asylum seekers.
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